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Meetings with the expert 2019

During the months of September and November, the last two Meetings with the expert of the year 2019 have been held. Both meetings have generated great expectation and have had a great reception among the professionals who attended.

On September 25, Maria Jesus Rufat and Brenda Tarragona, psychologists and psychotherapists of the Grup-TLP Barcelona, ​​offered to the professionals the Meeting with the expert: ”How to strengthen identity through the Transference Focused Psychotherapy (TFP)”. They explained to the attendees the concept of identity according to the theoretical basis of TFP and the strategies offered by this type of psychotherapy to help strengthen the identity of patients diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).

On November 13, Dr. Joan Vegué, psychiatrist and psychotherapist of the Grup-TLP Barcelona, ​​held the Meeting with the expert: ”If you leave me, the world will be slowed down; the catastrophic experience of abandonment in patients diagnosed with BPD. ” Dr. Vegué explained to the assistants how these patients live abandonment and how, from a psychotherapeutic point of view, the patient can be helped to have a better management of this situation.

We thank the professionals who attended the two meetings for their motivation and involvement with the topics addressed.

In the coming weeks we will announce the Meetings with the expert from the beginning of the year 2020. We hope to have the same participation as those of 2019!

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