Grup-TLP Barcelona is an entity whose purpose is to promote training, research and comprehensive treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder, characterised by instability in emotions, in behaviour and in relationships.
Grup-TLP Barcelona was created in 2010, and consists of three entities:
Fundació Orienta
Focused on care, promotion and prevention in mental health for children and teenagers
CPB – Serveis Salut Mental
Mental health services for adults in the community, providing different care models
Vall d’Hebron Institut de Recerca
Mental health, psychiatry and addiction research group.
The group aims to improve care for people affected by borderline personality disorder by developing a homogeneous protocol for diagnostic evaluation and providing specific, comprehensive care throughout the different evolutionary stages of the disorder.
To this end, research projects are conducted to learn more about the disorder, as well as training programmes to optimise the effectiveness of specific therapeutic techniques.