Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) tends to take hold in adolescence, but it is during adult years when the disorder’s characteristic symptoms appear. The affected individual tends to have a vague feeling of self, along with persistent emotional instability and high impulsiveness.
Some of the typical behaviours of individuals with BPD are:
- Highly conflictive interpersonal relationships.
- Violent attitudes and unjustified, excessive rage.
- Tendency to self-harm and suicidal behaviours.
- Abuse of drugs and other addictive substances.
- Failure in academic or personal life.
Being a clinical severe disorder, BPD makes people who suffer from it, have seriously deteriorated relationships in all areas: personal, academic, professional, family and social, making it difficult to lead a suitable life. Although the most prevalent clinical symptoms tend toward stabilisation as the years go by, these patients still have high degrees of dysfunction, and their life quality is often reduced.